Monday, December 23, 2019

Heterosexuals Attitudes Toward Transgender People ...

Heterosexuals’ Attitudes Toward Transgender People: Finds from a National Probability Sample of US Adults. The paper studies the attitudes of heterosexual adult population towards transgender people, while simultaneously clarifying exactly why there exists some hostility towards homosexuals, both in the United States of America. The paper puts across the statement that the word itself (Transgender) is now largely used to factor out groups of people who apparently communicate expressions and qualities relating to both genders, not just their own. This description given by Stryker is frequently used to label people who have, using their characteristics and actions, â€Å"crossed over†(p. 251) or switched between society-created gender norms. The modern world, as a result of this, tackles the phrase with unfriendliness, even hostility, since they feel susceptible of its non-conformity. This view more than often stems from the belief that said non-conformity can be harmful for the society as a whole. The paper further states that the US medical and psychiatric professionals believed tr anssexuals, for a large part of history, to be â€Å"severely neurotic† or mentally ill with a disease or dysfunction in the functioning of the brain. It wouldn’t be wrong to assume that transsexuals have faced adversities and difficulties in other parts of the world too like Hong Kong, Sweden, United Kingdom, and etc. solely because of their identities. In my opinion, trans-genders will continually face

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