Writing a scientific essay
Ib Hoa Paper One Paper Two Paper Three Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Concorde essays
Concorde papers Since the commencement of planes individuals have been attempting to accomplish more prominent speed and height. Most national governments have been emptying billions of dollars into the improvement of their military planes, yet not business make. In any case, presently, since the production of the Concorde, carriers have had the option to fly individuals twice as high and multiple times as quick as regular airplane. Individuals would now be able to make it to their goals in a fraction of the time, which takes into account more opportunity to lead business issues just as more opportunity for get-away. The Concorde has reformed the carrier business by demonstrating a fast methods for movement between removed nations. Both British and French Aerospace companies considered the Concorde venture. On the British side was an organization called British Aerospace, and for the French was an organization called Aerospatiale . These two nations met up to make the quickest business carrier ever. The two organizations split the planning into equal parts yet fabricated distinctive Concordes . Every nation constructed and flew models in 1969 . The French flight went ahead the first of March, and afterward British soon thereafter . The French consistently appeared to be in front of the British in spite of the fact that it was a joint task. On October initial 1969, the French surpassed mach two with their model. This was the primary achievement of numerous to come in this undertaking. The main other plane used to ship individuals like the Concorde was the Boeing 747, which just goes around mach .84. It took seven years for the Concorde to be tried lastly be placed into administration. Today there are just two ai rcrafts that utilization these supersonic planes. English Airways has seven going the world over while Air France utilizes six of these airplane. In those seven years two of the world's most mechanically propelled nations made the quickest carrier to ever fly the benevolent skies. With the Concorde being fused as a major aspect of two of the most predo ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Monopoly and marginal cost Essay
Practice Questions and Answers from Lesson III-3: Monopoly Practice Questions and Answers from Lesson III-3: Monopoly The accompanying inquiries practice these aptitudes: ? Clarify the wellsprings of market power. ? Apply the amount and value influences on income of any development along an interest bend. ? Discover the benefit boosting amount and cost of a solitary value monopolist. ? Process deadweight misfortune from a solitary value monopolist. ? Process minimal income. ? Characterize the proficiency of P = MC. ? Discover the benefit expanding amount and cost of an ideal cost segregating monopolist. ? Discover the benefit amplifying amount and cost of a defective cost separating monopolist. Question: Each of the accompanying firms has showcase power. Clarify its source. a. Merck, the maker of the licensed cholesterol-bringing down medication Zetia b. Chiquita, a provider of bananas and proprietor of most banana ranches c. The Walt Disney Company, the makers of Mickey Mouse Answer to Question: a. Merck has a patent for Zetia. This is a case of an administration made hindrance to passage, which gives Merck advertise power. b. Chiquita controls most banana estates. Command over a rare asset gives Chiquita showcase power. c. The Walt Disney Company has the copyright over livelinesss including Mickey Mouse. This Is another case of an administration made boundary to passage that gives the Walt Disney Company showcase power. Question: Skyscraper City has a tram framework, for which a single direction passage is $1. 50. There is pressure on the civic chairman to diminish the expense by 33%, to $1. 00. The chairman is frightened, believing that this will mean Skyscraper City is losing 33% of its income from deals of metro tickets. The city hall leaders monetary counselor advises her that she is concentrating just on the value impact and disregarding the amount impact. Clarify why the civic chairmen gauge of a 33% loss of income is probably going to be an overestimate. Represent with an outline. Answer to Question: A decrease in tolls from $1. 50 to $1. 00 will lessen the income on each ticket that is as of now sold by 33%; this Is the value impact. In any case, a decrease in cost will prompt more tickets being sold at the lower cost of $1. 00, which makes extra income; this is the amount impact. The value impact is the loss of income on all the right now sold tickets. The amount impact is the expansion in income from expanded deals because of the lower cost. Question: Consider an industry with the interest bend (D) and negligible cost bend (MC) appeared in the going with graph. There is no fixed expense. In the event that the business is a solitary value syndication, the monopolists minor income bend would be MR. Answer the accompanying inquiries by naming the fitting focuses or zones. Practice Questions and Answers from Lesson III-3: Monopoly a. On the off chance that the business is flawlessly serious, what will be the all out amount delivered? At what cost? b. Which region reflects customer surplus under impeccable rivalry? c. In the event that the business is a solitary value restraining infrastructure, what amount will the monopolist produce? Which cost will it charge? d. Which zone mirrors the single-value monopolists benefit? e. Which region reflects buyer surplus under single-value imposing business model? f. Which zone mirrors the deadweight misfortune to society from single-value imposing business model? g. On the off chance that the monopolist can cost segregate consummately, what amount will the superbly cost separating monopolist produce? Answer to Question: a. In a flawlessly serious industry, each firm amplifies benefit by creating the amount at which value rises to minor expense. That is, all organizations together produce an amount S, relating to point R, where the minor cost bend crosses the interest bend. Cost will be equivalent to minor cost, E. b. Customer surplus is the zone under the interest bend or more cost. To some degree a, we saw that the splendidly serious cost is E. Purchaser surplus in impeccable rivalry is hence the triangle ARE. c. A solitary value monopolist delivers the amount at which peripheral cost rises to minimal income, that is, amount I. In like manner, the monopolist charges value B, the most significant expense it can charge in the event that it needs to sell amount I. d. The single-value monopolists benefit per unit is the contrast among cost and the normal all out expense. Since there is no fixed expense and the peripheral expense is steady (every unit costs the equivalent to deliver), the negligible expense is equivalent to the normal absolute expense. That is, benefit per unit is the separation BE. Since the monopolist sells I units, its benefit is BE times I, or the square shape BEHF. e. Buyer surplus is the region under the interest bend or more the cost. To a limited extent c, we saw that the imposing business model cost is B. Buyer surplus in imposing business model is accordingly the triangle AFB. f. Deadweight misfortune is the excess that would have been accessible (either to purchasers or makers) under impeccable rivalry yet that is lost when there is a solitary value monopolist. It is the triangle FRH. g. On the off chance that a monopolist can cost segregate superbly, it will sell the principal unit at value A, the second unit at a somewhat lower cost, etc. That is, it will extricate from every purchaser simply that buyers eagerness to pay, as showed by the interest bend. It will sell S units, in light of the fact that for the last unit, it can simply make a purchaser follow through on a cost of E (equivalent to its peripheral expense), and that just takes care of its minor expense of creating that last unit. For any further units, it couldn't make any purchaser pay more than its minimal expense, and it in this manner quits selling units at amount S. Practice Questions and Answers from Lesson III-3: Monopoly Question: Bob, Bill, Ben, and Brad Baxter have quite recently made a narrative film about their ball group. They are contemplating making the film accessible for download on the Internet, and they can go about as a solitary value monopolist in the event that they decide to. Each time the film is downloaded, their Internet specialist co-op charges them an expense of $4. The Baxter siblings are contending about which cost to charge clients per download. The going with table shows the interest plan for their film. Cost of download Quantity of downloads requested $10 0 $8 1 $6 3 $4 6 $2 10 $0 15 a. Ascertain the absolute income and the negligible income per download. b. Weave is pleased with the film and needs whatever number individuals as could be expected under the circumstances to download it. Which cost would he pick? What number of downloads would be sold? c. Bill needs however much absolute income as could reasonably be expected. Which cost would he pick? What number of downloads would be sold? d. Ben needs to augment benefit. Which cost would he pick? What number of downloads would be sold? e. Brad needs to charge the effective cost. Which cost would he pick? What number of downloads would be sold? Answer to Question: a. The going with table figures all out income (TR) and minor income (MR). Review that negligible income is the extra income per unit of yield Price of download Quantity of downloads TR MR requested $10 0 $0 $8 1 $8 $6 3 $18 $5 $4 6 $24 $2 10 $20 $-1 $0 15 $0 $-4 b. Weave would charge $0. At that value, there would be 15 downloads, the biggest amount they can sell. c. Bill would charge $4. At that value, complete income is most noteworthy ($24). At that value, there would be 6 downloads. d. Ben would charge $6. At that value, there would be 3 downloads. For any more downloads, minimal income would be beneath peripheral expense, thus further downloads would lose the Baxters money.e. Brad would charge $4. A value equivalent to peripheral expense is proficient. At that value, there would be 6 downloads. Practice Questions and Answers from Lesson III-3: Monopoly Question: Suppose that De Beers is a solitary value monopolist in the market for precious stones. De Beers has five potential clients: Raquel, Jackie, Joan, Mia, and Sophia. Every one of these clients will purchase all things considered one diamondand just if the cost is simply equivalent to, or lower than, her ability to pay. Raquels eagerness to pay is $400; Jackies, $300; Joans, $200; Mias, $100; and Sophias, $0. De Beerss negligible expense per precious stone is $100. This prompts the interest plan for jewels appeared in the going with table. Cost of Diamond Quantity of Diamonds Demanded $500 0 $400 1 $300 2 $200 3 $100 4 $0 5 a. Compute De Beerss complete income and its peripheral income. From your estimation, draw the interest bend and the negligible income bend. b. Clarify why De Beers faces a descending inclining request bend. c. Clarify why the negligible income from an extra precious stone deal is not exactly the cost of the jewel. d. Assume De Beers as of now charges $200 for its precious stones. In the event that it brings down the cost to $100, how huge is the value impact? How enormous is the amount impact? e. Add the minimal cost bend to your outline from section an and figure out which amount expands De Beerss benefit and which value De Beers will charge. Answer to Question: a. Absolute income (TR) and minimal income (MR) are given in the going with table. Cost of Diamond Quantity of Diamonds TR Demanded $500 0 $0 $400 1 $400 $300 2 $600 $200 3 $600 $100 4 $400 $0 5 $0 MR $400 $200 $0 - $200 - $400 The going with graph outlines De Beerss request bend and minimal income (MR) bend. b. De Beers is the main maker of precious stones, so its interest bend is the market request bend. Furthermore, the market request bend slants descending: the lower the value, the more clients will purchase precious stones. c. In the event that De Beers brings down the value adequately to sell one more jewel, it procures additional income equivalent to the Practice Questions and Answers from Lesson III-3: Monopoly cost of that one additional precious stone. This is the amount impact of bringing down the cost. In any case, there is additionally a value impact: bringing down the value implies that De Beers likewise needs to bring down the cost on every other jewel, and that brings down its income. So the peripheral income of selling an extra jewel is not exactly the cost at which the extra precious stone can be sold. d. On the off chance that the cost is $200, at that point De Beers offers to
Thursday, July 23, 2020
A About A Research Paper (HCI) Example
Topic N/A About A Research Paper (HCI) Example Topic N/A About A Research Paper (HCI) â€" Essay Example > Millions of users visit the Internet based sources every day or even every hour. In technical colloquialism, it is Human-computer interaction, but the operative part of it is that of mutual utility. The content host needs to see the worthiness of the visitor from an objective (commercial, academic or others) point of view, and similarly the visitor must feel satisfaction and fulfilment of his desires (again commercial, academic or others). Traditionally, the level of engagement and interaction is gauged in terms of the number of visitors and time spent by each visitor to a particular website. However, this criterion becomes less applicable to the websites with academic orientation. Usability of the websiteWe start our journey to the Website, by first of clicking at the Resources. The moment the mouse touches the link, five separate links are immediately suggested. Slightly overlapping the other text, but still with visible. This overlap might impair the perceptibility in a smaller screen, or in the situation of two windows. The same is the situation with all the links at the top of the page. Thus, we can say the web hosts presume only the premeditated and well equipped visitors to reach the site. Given the nature of the site, all the five links (to Resources) seem pretty attractive. However, opening the same link in a separate window gives a better experience. The option of going back to all the aspects of the home page is there, without pressing the backspace button. Four pictures can be seen in the right hand side of the site, lure a casual visitor to click to them and a good enlarged picture, can be easily downloaded. The middle of the page gives a number of themes and offers ‘closer look’, ‘In-Depth Studies’, ‘Magazine’, ‘Imaginary exhibitions’. Each is just a title to a URL with a list of available material. The search link works well. Thus locating and saving a desired picture is not much of a problem. To reach to the database of the site, one needs to first go to the site map. The site map gives really a good view of the contents and here only one can feel free from the intricacies of the dainties of art and can feel free to roam as a free netizen. However, this freedom is short-lived. The path and suitability is smooth till you touch the databases. The page thus open does provide something to read, to see and a lot to explore. But further exploration re-enters into the gawky and regimented world of arts, strictly restricting anybody unfamiliar with the nomenclature. This forces the surfer to go to the help button and consult the calendar. Further, the calendar is available in PDF form only, requiring acrobat reader, sufficient to ward off anybody in rush. Insult to injury is inflicted that ‘non availability’ of searched item is not displayed. The ‘search’ per se may still be possible, but it is sure that no sundry visitor may see, what is in the store.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Culture Of Liberty, And Kanishka Chowdhury And The...
Cosmopolitan fiction, the most prominent strand of contemporary global Anglophone literature, gives us images of the â€Å"solution†to the violent history of colonization in a new era of a post-national cosmopolitan global culture brought about by â€Å"globalization†. In this purportedly new global era of a â€Å"hybrid†mixing of national cultures, the very idea of a â€Å"national identity†is deemed irrelevant in what Thomas Friedman calls â€Å"a flat world.†Some noteworthy cosmopolitan ideas can be seen in Bharati Mukherji’s â€Å"Orbiting,†in that the short story can be read as advocating a cosmopolitan world view. This, however, directly clashes with the ideas of globalization presented in Mario Vargas Llosa’s â€Å"The Culture of Liberty,†and Kanishka Chowdhury’s Globalization and the ideologies of Postnationalism and Hybridity.†Accordingly, Rana Dasgupta’s â€Å"The House of the Frankf urt Mapmaker†and The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Moshin Hamid, critically challenge the cosmopolitan outlook as questionable fiction. Cosmopolitanism is the idea that everyone belongs to a worldwide community, that there is a hybridization amongst people that serves as a uniting factor and is almost synonymous with multiculturalism. This notion has been brought about by capitalists and the elites of society, who prefer a world without borders, which, in turn, enables unrestricted access to a plethora of markets and resources. Coincidentally, this only furthers to empower the World Bank and the IMF, two of the
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Mental Disorders Associated During Sexual Abuse Survivors
Three Mental Disorders Associated in Sexual Abuse Survivors Victims of sexual abuse suffer from an array of issues, both physical and emotional. The most notable disorders are Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorder, and depression. According to Dr. Debra Rose Wilson, a faculty member at Middle Tennessee State University School of Nursing, a child will be changed for the rest of their lives after suffering from sexual abuse (Wilson 56). She writes that sexual abuse can be defined as any type of encouragement an adult gives a child to gain any type of sexual favors from a child (Wilson 56). She states that survivors often have lifelong problems including both the emotional and physical aspects of their life (Wilson 56).†¦show more content†¦Zlotnick, Mattia, and Zimmerman established that patients with sexual abuse histories are likely to have extended bouts of depression (Wilson 58). Wilson writes that survivors of sexual abuse state that they have several problems including reduced communication, less trust, and little satisfaction in their relationships (Wilson 60). She states that histories of the abuse impact the survivors’ relationships in a negative manner (Wilson 60). According to Dr. Kim Dunleavy, from the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, traumatic events such as physical violence, sexual abuse, or rape can prompt long-term physical and psychological health problems for survivors (Dunleavy 340). Dunleavy explains that survivors of sexual abuse may be psychologically diagnosed with â€Å"posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal tendencies as a primary diagnosis or comorbidities†(Dunleavy 340). Dunleavy stated that posttraumatic stress disorder is powerfully connected with a sexually traumatic event (Dunleavy 340). Dunleavy notes that symptoms set in after the abuse has taken place (Dunleavy 340). She also suggests that posttraumatic stress disorder is diagnosed when the symptoms of a person are present after four weeks from the time of the trauma (Dunleavy 340). She writes that posttraumatic stress disorder
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ethics Hw Week 6 Free Essays
string(58) " not report the harassment and suffered no tangible loss\." ETHICS HW WEEK 6 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 1. | Question:| Teddy’s Supplies’ CEO has asked you to advise him on the facts of the case, and your opinion of their potential liability. Write a memo to him which states your view of whether the company is exposed to liability on all issues you feel are in play. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics Hw Week 6 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Include in your memo any laws which apply and any precedential cases either for or against Teddy’s case which impact liability. Include your opinion of the â€Å"worst case†of damages the company may have to pay to Virginia.  | Your Answer:| Memo to CEO: Your company is in fact in liability for negligence in protecting the best interest of your employee, Pollard. Even though she participated in many of the sexual harassment situations your upper management did anything to stop or report any of the activities they were aware of. The people put n charge failed the company and Ms Pollard by not being responsible and assuming just as much responsibility as she had in the situation. Per the EEO guidelines: An employer is always responsible for harassment by a supervisor that culminated in a tangible employment action. If the harassment did not lead to a tangible employment action, the employer is liable unless it proves that: 1) it exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any harassment; and 2) the employee unreasonably failed to complain to management or to avoid harm otherwise An individual qualifies as an employee’s â€Å"supervisor†if the individual has the authority to recommend tangible employment decisions affecting the employee or if the individual has the authority to direct the employee’s daily work activities. A â€Å"tangible employment action†means a significant change in employment status. Examples include hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, undesirable reassignment, a decision causing a significant change in benefits, compensation decisions, and work assignment Employers should establish, distribute to all employees, and enforce a policy prohibiting harassment and setting out a procedure for making complaints. In most cases, the policy and procedure should be in writing. Small businesses may be able to discharge their responsibility to prevent and correct harassment through less formal means. For example, if a business is sufficiently small that the owner maintains regular contact with all employees, the owner can tell the employees at staff meetings that harassment is prohibited, that employees should report such conduct promptly, and that a complaint can be brought â€Å"straight to the top. †If the business conducts a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation of any complaint that arises and undertakes swift and appropriate corrective action, it will have fulfilled its responsibility to â€Å"effectively prevent and correct harassment http://www. eoc. gov/policy/docs/harassment-facts. html By violating al of the above content we would recommend that Virginia be awarded damages for back pay, a psychological evaluation, a percentage of stocks/shares in the company for future earnings and action disciplinary to be taken against all parties involved| | | Points Received:| 25 of 30 | | Comments:| How did the management fail her? | 2. | Question:| The NJ Human R ights commission found that Pollard was the victim of Sexual Harassment and disparate treatment. Please answer these questions: a. Provide the most current definition of â€Å"sexual harassment,†including a definition of quid pro quo and hostile environment sexual harassment. Name an appellate court case where an employer was found liable for either quid pro quo or hostile environment sexual harassment. Describe the facts of the case, and the decision the court came to in the case. Include the citation to the case and a link to it online. Would the case apply to Pollard’s case? Why or why not? Would you want to use this case in Teddy’s favor or Pollard’s favor? (10 points)b. Explain which form of sexual harassment that you suspect NJ Human Rights commission found Virginia had been a victim of and why you feel that is the case. Provide law or a case to support your position. If you feel Pollard was not a victim of harassment in this case, explain why you feel that way, and provide law or a case to support your position;  (10 points)c. Explain what defenses to sexual harassment Teddy’s had in this case (Include the name and citation of at least two federal or state sexual harassment case(s) which provide precedential support to your defense statement. (10 points. )d. What is disparate treatment and why do you think the Human Rights commission found it had occurred? Do you agree with this decision? (10 points. ) |  | Your Answer:| A. The legal definition of sexual harrassment is a form of sex discrimination. The legal definition of sexual harassment is â€Å"unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is s evere or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment. Quid pro quo, a Latin term meaning â€Å"this for that,†occurs when your boss offers you benefits, or threatens to change your working conditions, based on your response to his demands for sexual favors. â€Å"I’ll give you a raise if you go out with me†¦. †or â€Å"I’ll demote you if you don’t have sex with me†are examples of â€Å"quid pro quo†harassment. Hostile environment harassment occurs when physical, verbal, or visual sexual harassment is severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile or abusive work environment. This type of harassment does not require a loss or threat of loss of your job, or the promise of benefits. Comments about your body, sexual remarks, pornographic pictures displayed at the workplace, and touching and grabbing may all create a hostile work environment. In addition, the conduct must be unwelcome to you. If you like, want, or welcome the conduct, then you are not being sexually harassed. And if the conduct does not relate to your sex or have sexual references, it’s not sexual harassment. 1998 the Supreme Court decided in Ellerth v. Burlington Industries, No. 7-569 and Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, No. 97-282 that companies may be held vicariously liable if supervisors sexually harass workers even if the employees do not report the harassment and suffered no tangible loss. You read "Ethics Hw Week 6" in category "Papers" By making employers liable for supervisors’ sexual harassment encourages an employer, as no other regime does, to exercise the greatest p ossible care in screening prospective managers and in training, supervising and monitoring supervisory personnel. It gives employers an incentive to put effective policies and training programs in place. In fact, 54% of Fortune 500 employers admitted in one survey that fears of legal exposure prompted them to establish company policies against harassment. And experience has shown these policies and programs work. Companies that have implemented sexual harassment training programs have reported reduced numbers of claims that develop into lawsuits. http://www. hr-guide. com/data/A07202. htm yes this case would apply to pollards case because in this case too the sexual harassment was not being reported. The companies were too held liable for what was going on with their employers. B. I think they used the basic form of sexual haraasment in th eworkplcae because the boss did not threaten her with sexual advances but condonednthe mistreatment the other male employees had put on her. Even though she did not properly report the abuse I do feel that she was a victim because she encountered several incidents where her right swere violated. C. On June 26th, the U. S. Supreme Court decided the following two cases: Burlington Industries v. Ellerth Factsâ€â€The employee, Kimberly Ellerth, worked for Burlington Industries from March 1993-May 1994, as a salesperson in one of Burlington’s divisions in Chicago, Ill. During her employment, she claims she was subjected to constant sexual harassment by her supervisor, Ted Slowik. Slowik was a mid-level manager. Burlington has eight divisions, employing more than 22,000 people in 50 plants around the U. S. Slowick was a vice president in one of five business units within one of the divisions. He had authority to make hiring and promotion decisions subject to the approval of his supervisor, who signed the paperwork. Slowik was not Ellerth’s immediate supervisor. Ellerth worked in a two-person office in Chicago, and she answered to her colleague, who in turn answered to Slowik in New York. ttp://www. lkorn-law. com/articles/relevent/supreme_decides_sex_har. htm Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, and Burlington Industries Inc. v. Ellerth, the Supreme Court basically stated that the employer is responsible for the actions of the supervisor, even when the employer is unaware of the supervisor’s behavior. An employer can no longer claim that th ey did not know about the sexual harassment because the employee did not inform them, nor can they claim that they were unaware of the supervisor’s behavior. Out of the two cases listed above the first one is relevant to the case because even though she was disciplined for cell phone usage she was still sent to another area to be subjected to further humiliation by her male co-workers. The second case states where even though the Pollard did not reprt the abuse the supervisor was well aware of what was going on. D. Intentional discriminatory dealing with individuals having a disability or belonging to a particular group based on their age, ethnicity, race, or sex. The Human Rights commssion saw that Pollard was discriminated on due to her sex. Yes I fully agree with their decision. She should be awarded for all damages and future earnings. I would not want that particular job back but one in another area with maybe the same company. Read more: http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/disparate-treatment. html#ixzz17DKebnxM | | | Points Received:| 40 of 40 | | Comments:| Great that you answered all parts of the question! Also I like that you used the case in which the cell phone discipline took place while it was determined that harassment occurred. This shows that 2 wrongs do not make a right! | 3. Question:| The CEO asks you to review the sexual harassment policy currently in place, which Virginia signed. He wants you to provide him with suggestions for change to it. Review the policy and give three recommendations for changes, enhancements and ideas for making the policy stronger. Include your reasons for these suggestions. If you find information online for making these changes, include citations and/or links to t hat information. Explain how your suggestions may have protected Teddy’s in this case. Support these recommendations with current case law.  | Your Answer:| The contract signed by Virginia was vague. It also states that there will be a warning. She was terminated immediately. My suggestion would be to go further by having the employees attend sexual harassment training. They should also offer some type of support for their employees who think they are experiencing it or actually experiencing it. They should also make the supervisors and all employees aware of their no tolerance policy. â€Å"An employer should correct harassment that is clearly unwelcome regardless of whether a complaint is filed. For example, if there is graffiti in the workplace containing racial or sexual epithets, management should not wait for a complaint before erasing it. An employer should ensure that its supervisors and managers understand their responsibilities under the organization’s anti-harassment policy and complaint procedures. An employer should screen applicants for supervisory jobs to see if they have a history of engaging in harassment. If so, and the employer hires such a candidate, it must take steps to monitor actions taken by that individual in order to prevent harassment†. An employer should keep records of harassment complaints and check those records when a complaint of harassment is made to reveal any patterns of harassment by the same individuals. http://www. eeoc. gov/policy/docs/harassment-facts. html| | | Points Received:| 18 of 20 | | Comments:| How should the employer â€Å"support †employees? | 4. | Question:| How would Pollard’s case be impacted if her replacement had been a female? Would her case be different? Would her damages be different? Explain your answer.  | Your Answer:| Had Pollard been replaced by a female it would make her case weaker stating that it was her and her character in that position that caused the men to react the way that they did towards her. Replacing her with another male shows guilt on the companies side. Had they not been aware of the situation at hand or been doing something to avoid it, it wouldn’t have made a difference if they would have hired another female. Her case would have been different because had they hired another female would have shown them being less guilty of any of the accusations against them. ecause they did hire a male, made them look more cautious or even suspicious. I don’t know for sure if her damages would have been different but her case would have been. she was awarded damages on the jury thinking she was fired unlawfully. | | | Points Received:| 5 of 10 | | Comments:| Why do we blame the woman? The employer has a duty to protect its employees from harassment – that means the men MUST be required to abstain from harassment – not just work with all men. | Bottom of Form How to cite Ethics Hw Week 6, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The dairy of anne frank Essay Example For Students
The dairy of anne frank Essay 1885 thru 1898 Governess for a Polish family 1891 Became a student at the Sorbonne in Paris 1894 Studied the magnetic properties of steel 1896 Studies the glowing rays with Be cer al 1898 Pierre joins her in the study of Polonium and Radium 1900-1906 Teaches Physics at a all girls school in Paris. 1903 Awarded doctoral of Physical Science degree from University of Paris 1903 Shared the Nobel prize in Psychics with Pierre and Bec er al 1904 Marie went with Pierre when he was hired by the Sorbonne as a professor 1906 Pierre killed in a accident and Marie takes over as a professor at the Sorbonne 1908 Marie became a full professor at the Sorbonne 1914 thru 1918 Help treat the wounded soldiers of WORLD WAR 1 1921 Came to the United States for a visit 1922 Elected to the French academy of Medicine 1929 Came back to the United States for another visit Marie Slowdoski Curie in her words. I was born in 1867 in Warsaw Poland. By 1878 my mother died of TB. I then went to private school in Poland but we were not allowed to speak Polish. We will write a custom essay on The dairy of anne frank specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now One day the Russian inspector came to make sure that we were learning our lessons in Russian and not the forbidden polish language. When I was asked a question in Russian I answered back in perfect Russian much to the inspectors delight. The inspector didnt know that I spoke German, English and French also. From 1885 thru 1898 I was a governess for a Polish family, in 1891 I became a student at the Sorbonne in Paris. I met Pierre In 1894 at the Sorbonne. They wanted me to do a studied on the magnetic properties of steel. I did not have a place to do my study so a friend introduced me to Pierre Curie who managed a place where I could do my study. 1895 Pierre and I where married. 1896 I Studied the glowing rays in the pitch blend with my friend Bec er al and in 1897 I Coined the term Radio activity. Also our First child was born in 1897, we named her E Ren. By 1898 Pierre joins me in the study of Polonium and Radium. In the 1900s I taught Physics at a all girls school in Paris. In 1902 to our great joy I Isolates Radium, but that same year my Father dies. In 1903 Im Awarded Doctoral of Physical Science degree from University of Paris and in 1903 I Shared the Nobel prize in Psychics with Pierre and Bec er al. 1904 Pierre was hired by the Sorbonne as a professor and I decided to go back with him to the Sorbonne. Our second child Eve is born but our family life last only two more years, in 1906 Pierre fell in front of a horse drawn wagon and was killed. I am asked to takes over as a professor at the Sorbonne but it is not until 1908 that I become a full professor at the Sorbonne. In 1911 I receive the Nobel prize in Chemistry. 1914 thru 1918 I Help treat the wounded soldiers of WORLD WAR 1. 1922 I am elected to the French academy of Medicine and in 1934 I Dies of Radiation poisoning in France. Before I read this book I though Marie Curie would be a boring person to be. After I read the book I found out Marie was not so boring and is pretty exciting Three thing I learned where that Marie was the smartest girl at her private school, she was good friends with Albert Einstein, and she was the only person to get two Nobel prizes. I would recommend this book to anyone how wants to read about a grate person. I thought it was an OK book if you like biography. .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e , .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .postImageUrl , .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e , .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e:hover , .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e:visited , .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e:active { border:0!important; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e:active , .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u333bd48c1a31324405de2daaffe0c91e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: About the Law Essay I dont like biography so I didnt like this book to much. 1934 Dies of Radiation poisoning in France Bibliography: .
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